Sunday, May 21, 2006

Linkim 5/21/06

Haveil Havalim 70 is up. "Time to boycott the boycotters" (h/t: Martin Kramer)

There is a new politically-oriented group J-blog.

Steyn on immigration.

Erica's Blog launches some thoughts about "Kassam Rockets."

Divrei Chaim has a post about Ona'as Devarim. (Is that the name of a blog?)

Elder of Ziyon presents the "Mother of all work accidents watch."

According to the Guardian: "Abbas acts to halt slide into civil war in Gaza." That's nice.

Israel Matzav notes that "Hamas says that it is not interested in medicine and medical supplies."

Scrappleface on making English official.

Honest Reporting has an online quiz to test your knowledge about Hamas. (h/t: DTPW)

LA Jewish Journal: "Seeing Red Over Green’s Israel Policy" "Iran: Fund to 'demolish' Israel set up"

Ha'aretz: "Why 'Jews for Jesus' is evil"

Hamshachas Halinkim 5/22/06:

An imaginary letter to Ahmadinejad

Elder of Ziyon lists "Today's delusions by Jew-haters."

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